Joanna Kacprzycka is a hypnotherapist and medium and quantum channeler who after experiencing the power of hypnotherapy through the work of Alba Weinman is passionate about facilitating profound healing and transformation in the mind, body and spirit of her clients guiding them to explore higher dimensions of consciousness, tap into profound insights and experience powerful shifts to align them to their greatest highest timelines.
Joanna believes that hypnotherapy is one of the most powerful healing modalities because it goes straight into the subconscious mind, where everything is stored. In this episode, we discuss how Joanna combines hypnotherapy with mediumship to help clients communicate with their higher selves and heal on a deep level.
Joanna shares how hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation, how it has been used in different cultures and civilisations for thousands of years, the best times of day to practice, the science behind its effectiveness, and the different brainwave states associated with hypnosis.
Finally, we finish with Joanna leading a brief guided relaxation session to help promote deep relaxation and enter a peaceful state.
Raising Consciousness is a Live Full Out brand. Live Full Out owns and operates brands that put the health and growth of humanity first and raise human consciousness.
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